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Find a cute girl around Shinjuku station! - Instead of calling out from here, we aim to "get a call from a girl"! - A strategy to suddenly collapse in front of a girl walking on the road is carried out! - After being passed through many times, a girl was worried and called out! - Moreover, he ran to a nearby convenience store and bought water! - It's really distracting to deceive such a kind child ... but this is also a job. - I told him I wanted to hear more and was able to bring him to the hotel. - It is said that her boyfriend hasn't been around for about four years and has recently taken out a pet because she couldn't stand her loneliness. - I thought she would move away from the man, but she seems to know that too. - While talking about the type of man you like and how to spend your holidays, if you notice it, you will have a fun atmosphere! - I was able to break it down a lot, so I focused on the sleeveless clothes that I've always been interested in! - While saying, "You can see the armpits when you hold the straps of the train ~ ♪", touch the underarms that have been beautifully maintained. - Playfully put your finger in your clothes and look at your bra ... - While saying "I'm embarrassed ... w", I don't resist so much, so the touch is escalated! - The slender limbs were impressive from the time I met, but when I took it off, the cracks were clear and the slender figure! - While enjoying the small and smooth ass, insert it into Nure Nureoma Co ○. - I'm so excited that the expression that was smiling all the time is distorted with pleasure! - Even so, after the fact, she returned to her smile with a smile ♪ It was a healing girl who was made to feel sick with her gentle personality and calm atmosphere ♪