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A beautiful woman who sits beautifully and speaks in a clear tone, Kasumi Nonomura, 26 years old. - Her beauty overflows not only from her appearance but also from the inside. - Her profession is "manner instructor". - She says that she mainly goes to companies to give lectures on etiquette. - She says she lives with great care in her work, how she interacts with people, and her behavior, but her boyfriend is the exact opposite. - Although she is conscious of marriage, her boyfriend is a so-called useless man who does not have a regular job. - However, she says that her boyfriend is so cute that she just forgives her when she is spoiled. - Why is she on Luxury TV even though she has such a favorite boyfriend? - She said, "She had a desire to be taken down by her boyfriend, and she was asked by her boyfriend ..." Her surprise remarks popped out. - But there are other reasons, she said, "She has lived seriously so far, so I want to do something that warped even once in reaction ..." She hit the gates of Luxury TV for these two reasons. rice field….