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Ren Asamiya is 29 years old. - As the name implies, she is a dignified, beautiful, graceful and elegant woman. - Her profession is a suit actor. - She is a very rare profession that does not come to mind just by hearing the profession name. - Her job is a special effects hero show held at department stores and amusement parks, and she is said to be in the profession of acting in costumes and suits. - During the hot summer months, she sweats a lot, losing as much as five kilograms a day, and she says it's a tough job. - She doesn't want her to get inside her costume even though she looks so beautiful ... - Her chest is a C cup, and it has a tight and tight neckline without extravagant meat. - She has a beautiful proportion because she has a job to move her body. - She rubs her beautiful breasts and stimulates her nipples with her fingertips. - Take off her pants and spread her crotch. - She is a beautiful pink girl like a teenager. - Stimulate the clitoris with her fingertips. - The body touched by her after a long time reacts with Bikkun and Bikkun, and her sigh gradually becomes rough. - If you make a sizzling sound and stimulate her inside, she will make a loud voice, "Ki ... Kimochii ...". - She was Ren Asamiya, who was disturbed by the body of another person she had just met.