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She is in a position to teach students as an English teacher. - There is an erotic aura from her atmosphere. - Students wouldn't be able to stay even if they had such an erotic teacher. - She no, she won't be there or she will be up. - I think she is open to sex because she is so erotic about girls who are good at English. - She used to work in trade and often went abroad. - Taking advantage of her experience, she says she is now an English teacher. - The reason why she decided to appear in AV is because she is the type of person who feels sorry if she does not experience all her interests. - Her personality, which acts as soon as she wants to do it, drives her. - She loves sex, of course, she's usually her teacher, so she has a lot of S, but this time she has a dandy uncle escort her, and she has a lot of M. Is showing me the sex. - She doesn't look unpleasant even if a large amount of sperm is applied to her underwear, and the bewitchingness of kneading her sperm with her fingers would be her unique eroticism.