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[The highest level of difficulty in picking up girls! - "A neat and clean amateur wife with a hard guard", capture. - ] ◇ Chisato (29 years old) who wants to make a lot of children but is frustrated because she does not have a night life with her husband. - ① This time, we will start from Senri, one of the most luxurious residential areas in Tokyo! - (2) Here is the celebrity wife who finally got it while calling out to the woman on the road over and over again and being refused! - This is Chisato, who is in her 10th year of marriage! - A celebrity wife with a slender body and a bewitching sex appeal! - ③ Because she is reluctant to invite a stranger to her home, first of all, she invites her to a restaurant near her as an interview! - Let's listen to the beginning of getting used to her husband first while tilting her champagne! - The two met when they were in college! - At that time, she was 19 years old and the relationship between her professor and her students! - I decided to go out with her at first sight with her fierce attack! - And she got married when she was 20 years old! - What a romantic story! - ④ However, she also had a problem that she couldn't tell! - That is, "there is no night life". - Five to six years after she got married, she wants to have a baby! - But I can't say that! - She said she was patient because of her beloved husband. - ⑤ Even though she can put up with her heart, her body seems to have a lot of sexual desire. - This has a negative effect on her health! - !! - So, the interviewer of Hyakusen Renma kissed her with a familiar feeling and decided to eliminate her accumulated desires ♪ Then, it seems that Chisato's lust has already caught fire. w She says she cares about her own body because of her beloved husband. - However, today, I will fully enjoy this body ♪ While feeling Chisato's hot sigh and her body temperature, first of all, I will blame her chest and buttocks with foreplay! - In addition, I grinned when I saw her who fell in love with her stranger Ji ● Po who presented her in front of her! - He shook his heart from the rod to the ball and enjoyed the blowjob! - Even more! - When I insert an erection Ji ● Po into a dick that gets wet so much ... Ascension immediately with just one pick! - Sensitivity was also very good w Her lust that had been enduring to the limit with sexless for many years is released at once! - It's different from the previous one, and it shows Ji-Po one side of an obscene woman who is crazy about it! - Her sensual body gets horny in the living room and she is immersed in the joy of sex. - Of course, at the end, plenty of her vagina! - Eliminate libido! - For my beloved husband, it's okay to put up with making children, but sometimes it's not bad to get rid of sexual desire with someone else's stick w wife w