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Before getting married, Aria enjoyed music as a hobby and often went out to see live music every night. - There was a time when she was aiming to get a job at a record company. - However, she failed in her job hunting, and after some compromises, she met her current husband at a major supermarket where she started working, and her time for hobbies began to drift away. - When her husband's health deteriorates, Aria becomes the manager of the store where she works, and is left to support her family finances alone. - Of course she couldn't help but be stressed out. - I wonder how long it will be before we go out at night... - Aria went out on the town at night for the first time in a while, and she showed up to the meeting looking stiff and nervous. - During the meal, she remained awkward, but when she entered the hotel and listened to her music, she regained her smile, as lively as when she was younger. It was.