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It is a documentary video of bondage shooting using a real masochist woman. - While actually blaming masochist women, they demand strict and sensual masochistic beauty, and perform binding and torture. - This work is a photograph of Yukino Matsu. - A gauze is stuffed into her mouth, which is tied to her pillar, and a bean squeezer is put over it, depriving her of the freedom of her voice. - She also puts a crotch rope over her panties so that you can see her bite. - After that, I took off her gag, forced her to wear a dress, and added a terrible torture to her cute nipples, and enjoyed a sweet scream. - Tied to her chair with a shameful appearance, one vibrator is inserted in her secret part, two vibrators are inserted in her chrysanthemum gate, and a rope is applied so that the vibrator does not come off, and carefully I blamed you for being obscene. - After that, she is tightly bound and uses her powerful pinches to bite her nipples, tying heavy metal plugs to the ends of her pinches to further tease her nipples. - After unpinching her, he tortured her buttocks, her anus with altar candles, and used her wax tears to make the candles stand. - She then drops wax tears on her clitoris after fixing her in her spread leg position. - Her relentless torture exposed her embarrassing incontinence while she was waxed. - At the end, I bind her legs open and tease her anus thoroughly with an electric massage machine. - Her anus, which was indecent, swallowed the head of her electric massage machine just by pressing it slowly. - But the blame doesn't end there. - She stripped off the tape that was covering her crack, screwed her dildo and secured it with her rope. - While being filled with the inside of her body, I got drunk with the stimulation of her electric massage machine, and by her own contraction, I squeezed out the electric massage machine from her anus. - All the while she repeated, "It feels good," with her sullen look on her face. - It is a work that you can enjoy the glamorous dementia and deep masochism of Yukino Matsu, which is suitable to be called a dirty flower.