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I warn you first, if you are a parent with a daughter, you should definitely not see it. - Since ancient times, my daughter has a little strong "father complex" part, and she values ​​direct communication with me very much. - ● Even though I became a school student and was more interested in fashion, hairstyles, and romance than studying and careers, when it comes to spending my holidays, I would go out for a walk with me in the neighborhood or buy something for dinner. On the contrary, it is a level that makes me worried about the future. - I once dared to ask her daughter, "Isn't she a boyfriend?", But she said, "My dad is enough now!" - Needless to say, at that time I wasn't happy and my ears turned bright red and I was shy and grinning. - A message "I had fun the other day" popped up on her daughter's smartphone screen. - I believe in her daughter. - Yes, I love her daughter no matter what. - -I thought so.