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Amy, a female space special searcher who is defeated by the monster of the evil criminal organization Kuuma and fights alone in place of the space special search Sharigan who is undergoing special training. - However, a monster of Kuuma who defeated Sharigan appears there. - Amy fights bravely, but she is pinched by a monster ... - She tries to ask Sharigan for her support, but she discourages her from disturbing her special training in Sharigan. - Amy without the help of Sharigan is by a monster ... - A man who sees the situation from behind ... - That person, Sharigan, who should be in special training. - Sharigan was pretending to be defeated by a trick and a monster because he wanted to see Amy's pinch! - Amy, who doesn't know that, fights bravely for Sharigan ... - Amy has been captured. - Kuuma asks Amy to find out where Sharigan is. - Even there, Sharigan impersonates a combatant ... - As expected, the fate of the space special search Amy and how ...? - !!