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Asami Miyase is 47 years old. - She is a family of three, a full-time housewife who has been married for 20 years, a husband of an office worker, and a daughter of a college student. - Asami-san has recently contacted me that she wants to have rich sex because her night life has decreased. - She has a constitution that gets wet as soon as she gets excited, and her panties are soaked in soup. - When she licks her crotch like that, she shyly hides her face with her hand and immediately alive. - She manages to get rid of her desires once a week because she's a rotor, but she's enthusiastic that she wants to free herself and have a lot of fun today. - She is violently stabbed in the back that she loves and exposes her foolery with her face fully open and faints in agony! - !!