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Iroha was injured at a casual moment in her daily life. - The symptoms were worse than I expected, and my daily life was not enough. - After her worries, she decided to have Iroha helper come. - A young and strong helper likes Iroha, and she gently cares for Iroha, who lives a crippled life. - Every time Iroha made her breasts squeaky. - One day, a helper bought her cake for Iroha, who isn't feeling well recently. - Tears of his kindness, Iroha hugged him and kissed him. - The two in the bedroom sought and loved each other as if they were lovers. - However, what came out of his mouth was that the person in charge would change. - The new helper is an athletic type. - To be honest, he wasn't good at it, but Iroha was thrilled by his masculine appearance, as he carried it with a cold hug. - She is a new helper who works hard, but Iroha has no choice but to worry about some parts. - Yes, her crotch was so tight that she was chasing her with her eyes. - Relaxing in her bedroom, Iroha was groping her body, thinking of her actions with her former helper and her new helper's erection. - A new helper goes to her room. - She tried to get out in a hurry, she kept the new helper, and she cleverly took off her pants and confirmed her crotch swelling that she was interested in. - When she swallowed raw spit, she crawls her tongue into her big stuff more than expected ...