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No ~ I've finally come ~ w "Mayu" who feels a little missing! - !! - It seems that he is a college student who picked up while shopping in Shibuya. - I think it's a lot of fun now, but when I listen to the story, "I've never been in a circle w" "I've never worked part-time w" ...? - ?? - ...that? - ?? - So what about clothes and money to play with? - ?? - I had a natural question, so when I asked ... "... I'm getting it from my dad" ... Daddy? - I was a little surprised and was taken abruptly, so when I hit the truth directly ... "No, I'm really a dad w" ... Hmm, I was surprised, but the next "Mayu" -chan I was surprised again by the remarks made! - !! - "I really want about 500,000, but now I'm getting about 300,000." - I got it messed up! - !! - I heard that his father was the president of a company, and "Mayu" was his daughter. - In a different sense, when I was wondering "Why did you come ...", it was "interesting ww". - For that reason, when I try to do something naughty, I refuse to say "It's awesome ~ w" ~ w I'll do it later, but ww This is "weak to push"! - !! - So, let's push "Mayu" and push it and push it to make it naughty ww