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The subject for the first shot today was Yumina, 25, who came in clothes that emphasized her chest. - Working at her call center, she answers interviews with a polite way of speaking, perhaps because of her profession. - She seems to often watch flirting AV in order to dispel her loneliness without a boyfriend, and it seems that her desires are also accumulated considerably. - She is blushing but obedient when a man says obscene words, Yumina. - Her M. Realizing her temperament, she exposes her foolery with a mellow expression. - She is made to look like Nao, and when she is tampered with her comfortable part, she moistens her pants. - Her eyes began to swell as she began to be swallowed by the atmosphere of "I want to cry ..". - She is shy every time she hears a squeaky sound. - The caress of a man who enjoys the reaction further increases the water and culminates. - She shows an erected cock in front of her so weak that she can't stand. - She smiles with a shy smile, but she politely runs ahead, wipes her juice with her tongue, and licks her cock like her. - She grabs herself to taste and desperately serves to please the man. - Then she takes her pants down and inserts from behind her as she wishes, begging for "insert ..". - She grabs her sheets and trembles with her pleasure, desperately feeling her pleasant voice. - "Ah !! Hi! Icha .. Ah! Ya .." Men and women who stick their bare skin together and devour their pleasures. - Yumina begging her impatient piston to say "more .. I want it in the back ..". - She keeps grabbing her cock, maybe it's still not enough after her actions are over ..